About the Communications Committee
The NAELPA Communications Committee manages the multiple communication vehicles of NAELPA. Led by co-chairs Samuel Aguirre (WIDA) and Michelle Niska (MN), the Communications Committee prepares and manages the quarterly NAELPA Newsletter and the NAELPA social media accounts. This committee is also involved in maintaining the branding and style guide and supporting email campaigns and conference exhibits. We welcome content to feature in the newsletter and are on the constant lookout for interesting happenings to share on social media.
The committee meets on the first Monday of the month from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET/1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CT/12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MT/11:00 pm - 12:00 pm PT.
Samuel Aguirre
Samuel Aguirre is the Director of WIDA Español for WIDA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sam manages the research, development, and delivery of WIDA resources focused on Spanish language instruction. His work oversees major areas, including those of a framework for Spanish language arts, standards for Spanish language development, professional learning opportunities, and Spanish language assessments. Sam is a former emergent bilingual, teacher of bi/multilingual learners, and served as director of multilingual student services for the Illinois State Board of Education. He continues to advocate for culturally and linguistically diverse communities in his daily work.
Michelle Niska
Michelle Niska is an English Learner Education Specialist with the Minnesota Department of Education. She works to implement the state’s Learning English for Academic Proficiency and Success (LEAPS) Act, leads work for Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE), and works with the Title III program in Minnesota. Michelle has experience as a former teacher and program coordinator for multilingual learner and federal programs with various public-school districts in the state of Minnesota for more than twenty years. She is an Ed.M. candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a proud mom to a son and daughter and advocates for multilingual students, which is why she is a proud member of NAELPA.
NAELPA produces a quarterly newsletter that includes key highlights from NAELPA Board Members, Committees, and happenings in the field. Check out our recent newsletters here!
Are you interested in featuring your LEA or SEA on an upcoming NAELPA Newsletter? Submit your contact information here and one of our contributors will connect with you to write an article and share the amazing work you are doing for multilingual learners!
NAELPA is constantly on the lookout for amazing work that educators are doing for multilingual learners. We want to celebrate your accomplishments and help you reach more teachers, education administrators, and parents. Tag us on your social media posts using the handles listed below and use #NAELPA so we may reshare your content!