
The NAELPA serves as the voice of MLs, representing SEAs and LEAs across the United States. We are small enough to hear individual voices, yet powerful enough to be heard as a whole. The organization provides its members with direct contact to the change agents in each state and at the Federal level. With two-way communication between the council and the decision makers, our voice can be heard. Join today and be part of the voice! 


NAELPA serves members and other stakeholders at the local, state, and national levels through professional learning, communications, and advocacy for multilingual learners (MLs)/English learners (ELs) and their families and communities. 


NAELPA is an expert voice on behalf of state education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) as they work for the success of MLs across the United States. The organization provides members with direct contact to change agents at the state and federal levels. We are small enough to hear each member’s individual voice, yet powerful enough to be heard as a whole. 


The NAELPA communication purposes include, but are not limited to: 

(1)  Providing for intercommunication among members to facilitate effective English Language Development (ELD), dual language, bilingual, and other similar programs and activities for achieving national, state, and local educational goals.

(2)  Disseminating information on relevant research, effective and research based instructional strategies, news, tools, and resources for administration of programs for MLs.

(3)  We serve as a nexus of communication among and between those working for the success of MLs in schools.

The NAELPA professional learning purposes include, but are not limited to:  

(1)  Disseminating information related to national and state programs and program administration related to the policies, guidance, regulations, and laws governing the administration of programs for, and the education of, MLs.

(2)  Providing professional learning opportunities to State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in supporting educational programming for ML students as educators help them to attain English proficiency while achieving academic success;

(3)  Disseminating best practices with Title III/EL/ELD/Bilingual SEA and LEA directors in developing programs and activities for MLs and their families and in achieving national, state, and local communication goals;

(4)  Providing educators of MLs the skills, knowledge, and abilities to help them have the capacity to meet the needs of MLs.

The NAELPA Advocating for Multilingual Learners purposes include, but are not limited to:   

(1)  Collaborating at the national level with individuals and organizations in support of MLs on joint presentations and communications to disseminate and provide the NAELPA’s perspective, support, and position regarding federal and state policies related to the education of MLs.

(2)  Supporting fair and equitable policies, guidance and supports related to MLs, ELD programs, and ML student and family meaningful participation in educational systems.

(3)  Leading actions to develop policies, guidance, and supports related to MLs, ELD programs, and ML student and family meaningful participation in educational systems where these are missing or ineffective.